Huddleston Tax CPAs is looking for partners who would like to be webcast instructors at smallbusinesswebcast.com. SBW provides a platform on which HTC and other experts can offer educational presentations to small business owners. These educational presentations (i.e. webcasts) will be free and extremely informative. Webcast attendees should come away from the presentation with a feeling that they gained valuable knowledge in exchange for their time even if they do not become a paying client or commit additional time. Each webcast should be at least 95% educational and no more than 5% promotional. The website — smallbusinesswebcast.com. — will provide the meeting place from where these presentations can proceed.
Our marketing and content manager, Jorgen Olson, promotes each webcast through various online channels. In addition, each instructor helps to promote all the webcasts (not just their own) through contact lists, blogging, twitter, etc. Of course, the underlying goal is that attendees will receive a first-hand glimpse of our expertise and hire us.
The cost for instructors is $49 per month. This fee pays for keeping the site operational, the cost for Jorgen to promote the webcasts, and for the webcast software that we provide (you need a computer and a headset or telephone).
Image credit: EricRobson214