Does Bothell collect B&O tax? No, the city of Bothell does not have a local Business and Occupation (B&O) tax. However, businesses operating in Bothell may still be subject to Washington state’s B&O tax.
Will I need to buy a business license if my office isn’t in Bothell? Yes, if you are conducting business activities within Bothell city limits, you are required to obtain a Bothell business license even if your office is located elsewhere. The cost of the license fee is determined by four factors:
- Number of employees working in Bothell
- Type/category of business activity
- Square footage of commercial space occupied in Bothell
- Any special licensing classifications that apply
The license fee schedule and details on calculating your specific costs based on the above criteria can be found on the City of Bothell’s Business Licensing page.
It’s important to familiarize yourself with Bothell’s business licensing requirements and regulations, even for companies headquartered outside of the city. Consult the municipal code or contact the city’s licensing division if you have any other questions.
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash